Friday Sermon Summary 15th September 2023: ‘Pious Individuals Who Strove to Attain the Pleasure of Allah’
After reciting Tashahhud, Ta‘awwuz and Surah al-Fatihah, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) said that it is the law of God Almighty that one who comes into this world, after spending some time, must also depart. But fortunate are those who leave only positive memories, who proved beneficial to others, who practically gave precedence to faith over the world, who strove to act upon the commandments of God and His Messenger (sa), who strive to fulfil the purpose of pledging allegiance to the Promised Messiah (as), who are truly loyal to the Ahmadiyya Caliphate, who strive to help humanity, for whom everyone utters only complimentary words. As such, according to the Holy Prophet (sa), they become destined for Paradise.

Amatul Qudoos, Daughter of Dr Mir Muhammad Ismail
His Holiness (aba) said that he would mention someone who strove to live their life according to the pleasure of God Almighty. This is respected Amatul Qudoos, who was the daughter Dr Mir Muhammad Ismail (ra) and wife of the late Sahibzada Mirza Waseem Ahmad, thus the daughter-in-law of the Second Caliph (ra). She resided in Qadian but had been visiting her daughters in Rabwah, where she passed away – ‘Surely to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return.’
His Holiness (aba) said that her Nikah (Islamic marriage announcement) was announced by the Second Caliph (ra), Upon the request of Hazrat Dr Mir Muhammad Islamil’s (ra) wife, the Second Caliph (ra) attended the rukhsati as a representative from the bride’s side of the family, rather than on behalf of his son. Allah the Almighty bestowed her with three daughters and a son. Her daughter Amatul Aleem is serving as National President of the Ahmadiyya Women’s Auxiliary Organisation in Pakistan.
Great Sacrifices in Service to Her Faith
His Holiness (aba) said that a few days after his marriage, as Mirza Waseem Ahmad was preparing the papers to take his wife back to Qadian, the Second Caliph (ra) advised that the process would remain ongoing, however in the meantime, Mirza Waseem Ahmad should immediately return to Qadian as a member of the Promised Messiah’s (as) family should be there, and he should set an example of sacrifice. Amatul Qudoos also set an example of sacrifice upon the commandment of the Second Caliph (ra), as she had no idea when the process for her to go to Qadian would be complete or when the conditions between India and Pakistan would allow for her to go.
His Holiness (aba) said that a year later, she set out for Qadian. She was advised by the Second Caliph (ra) that once there, she should reside in the home of Umm Nasir, where the Promised Messiah (as) had spent a lot of time. Once in Qadian, Amatul Qudoos Sahiba played a vital role in organising the women of Qadian.
His Holiness (aba) said that after migrating to London, the Fourth Caliph (rh) stated that an extensive plan to spread the message of Islam Ahmadiyyat should be devised, and to complete these tasks, there was a plan to establish two new centres; one in London and one in Germany. The women in Lajna hearkened to this call, and as the National President of the Ahmadiyya Women’s Auxiliary Organisation in India at the time, she wrote that the women in Qadian presented great financial sacrifice for this cause, and she herself also presented all of her jewellery. Later, the Fourth Caliph (rh) mentioned these sacrifices and greatly appreciated them. When the Fourth Caliph (rh) visited Qadian, he again mentioned the great financial sacrifices rendered by the women of Qadian.
His Holiness (aba) said that upon sending her to Qadian, the Second Caliph (ra) had given her the task of uniting the women there. She served in various capacities, including as the President of the Ahmadiyya Women’s Auxiliary Organisation. She worked hard to organise the various chapters that were required to be united, especially after the partition. She would communicate with them through letters and then would visit various regions as well.
Teaching the Holy Qur’an, Hospitality & Contentment in Life
His Holiness (aba) said that she taught the Holy Qur’an to over two hundred people. She would enjoin people to love the Caliphate by presenting various incidents. She also had an extraordinary level of hospitality. She was a devoted wife who was always supportive and never demanded anything, remaining content with whatever she had. Her daughter says that after her husband passed away, she saw in a dream that she was on her final journey in life, however, she then saw the Third Caliph (rh) in a dream telling her that she had not yet received her visa. By the grace of Allah the Almighty, she lived a long life thereafter.
His Holiness (aba) said that in the final period of her life, she lost her sight, but still lived a life of contentment and never complained. Whenever asked how she was doing, she would always respond by saying, ‘All praise belongs to Allah’. Whenever there was an appeal made by the Caliph of the time, the foremost to present financial sacrifices from Qadian would be Sahibzada Mirza Waseem and Amatul Qudoos. She would always attend the joyous events of others or would visit in their times of grief, even if it meant doing so despite being unwell. She taught young girls how to sow. She created an environment of living together in harmony.
His Holiness (aba) said that she enjoined her children to offer the prayers at their earliest time. She also raised various other girls, raising them well, teaching them the Qur’an, and then facilitating their marriages. During difficult times in Qadian, whenever a girl was getting married, she would give them her jewellery and say that they could wear it as long as they liked before returning it, and then she would lend it to someone else getting married. Thus, many have benefited from her jewellery in this way. People would leave their trusts with her as well, and when they would come to retrieve them, she would ask them to ensure that everything was present and intact.
Instilling Noble Qualities in Girls
His Holiness (aba) said that she taught many girls the basics around the home. Many have expressed how vital this training of hers was, enabling them to seamlessly integrate with their in-laws. She would say that it was the blessing of Allah that she was able to live in Qadian, but she would pray to have a grand and lofty home in Paradise. She would teach girls various subjects, ranging from literature and grammar to even jurisprudence.
His Holiness (aba) said that she continued to fast so long as her health allowed, and during Ramadan, she would go to the mosque regularly for Tarawih prayers. She prepared the room for the Fourth Caliph (rh) when he visited Qadian. Similarly, when His Holiness (aba) visited Qadian in 2005, she prepared the room herself, and she also insisted that she would cook at least one meal daily for His Holiness (aba).
His Holiness (aba) said that she instilled the qualities and ways of hospitality in her children from an early age. Similarly, her husband had various ties with government officials who would visit their home, and she would also educate their wives about the Ahmadiyya Community. These contacts would even leave their trusts with her on account of her trustworthiness.
His Holiness (aba) said that during her illness, when her daughters brought her to Rabwah, and the need would arise for her to stay longer to tend to her health, she said that she would not remain longer until she was granted permission from His Holiness (aba). She wrote to His Holiness (aba), who granted her permission to remain in Rabwah as long as she needed.
His Holiness (aba) said that the children in Qadian would affectionately call her ‘grandmother’. When her grandson, who is studying to become a missionary, asked her for any guidance, she responded by saying that all the guidance he needed was imparted through the words of the Caliph.
His Holiness (aba) said that many people offered her funeral prayer, including many non-Ahmadis. It was evident how much she loved the people of Qadian, and how much the people of Qadian loved her. Many from Qadian have written to His Holiness (aba) that they were raised by her as if she were their own mother.
His Holiness prayed that may Allah elevate her station.
Muhammad Arshad Ahmedi
His Holiness (aba) said that he would also be leading the funeral prayer of Muhammad Arshad Ahmedi of the UK. He moved to the UK from Nairobi at the age of 15. He was married to Amatul Baseer. He is survived by his wife, two sons and a daughter. He was firmly attached to the Community and served in various different capacities. He served as the National Secretary for Publications in the UK for 20 years. He wrote a book responding to Salman Rushdie. He had a great love for the Holy Prophet (sa) and the Promised Messiah (as). He had a passion for propagative the message of Islam. He was regular in offering his prayers. The Fourth Caliph (rh) once said that he had seldom seen people as loyal as Arshad Ahmedi. His Holiness (aba) said that he, too, found him to be humble and devoted to the Caliphate. His Holiness (aba) prayed that may Allah grant him forgiveness and mercy and enable his children to carry on the legacy of his virtues.
Ahmad Jamal
His Holiness (aba) said that there is also a funeral prayer in absentia for Ahmad Jamal, who recently passed away in the USA. He pledged allegiance at the hand of the Second Caliph (ra). He was very humble and had profound love for the Community and the Caliphate. He would regularly listen to the Friday Sermon and take notes. Despite living far from the mosque, and despite ill health, he would regularly attend the Friday Prayer. His Holiness (aba) prayed that may Allah grant him forgiveness and mercy and accept his prayers in favour of his daughter, who is not Ahmadi.
Summary prepared by The Review of Religions