Here I Am, Lord – Abdur Rahman’s Corner
Peace, one and all…
At our level, we often don’t accept God’s invitation immediately. We wait. We consider and contemplate. Ibrahim Ad’ham had considerations also. He wanted to be a dervish and to devote his life to find himself and to find God, but he had a lot to give up. He had to give up a whole kingdom, and give up the state of a sultan. The invitation was there—God was asking for him. But he wasn’t ready to say, “Here I am, Lord.” That is all you have to say, “I am here; I am present, at your orders.” Remembrance of God is
one of the fundamentals of Sufi practices. To remember is, most simply, to say, “I am here. I am.”
Shaykh Muzaffer Ozak, Love is the Wine