Forgiveness and Accountability in Community Life
A teaching from Maryam Thea Elijah
Here is another provocative teaching from our holy sister Maryam Thea Elijah. This time she brings us on a journey of exploration into the deeper teachings of forgiveness and accountability and how fundamental these complementary qualities are for healthy and resilient community life. Using teachings from Sidi’s books Reality of Imagination and Music of the Soul, along with lively exchanges and examples from community and her own life, Maryam offers insight and practical ways to cultivate healthy morality and ethics. This includes ways to navigate situations in which boundaries have been transgressed, hearts have been hurt, and when both forgiveness and accountability are needed in order to restore the flow of grace and love between hearts, insha’allah.
In this post you can watch and receive the full transmission from the video recording as well as view the full transcript and review the slides that cover the main themes.
This teaching is meant to be a primer for a larger discussion for our community intended to help strengthen our connections as we walk together, allowing the teachings of our guide to mature and blossom and begin to sustain and nourish the heart of our holy community, iA.
We hope that you enjoy, share and discuss this topic more in your local community. May Allah Most High continue to inspire the hearts of beloveds like Maryam to bring forward more such timely and beneficial teachings. May we all be encouraged to stand straight and give the love as He guides us through this life into what lies beyond, insha’allah.