The Mysterion School 2024 – The Threshold Society

The Mysterion School is an opportunity to experience the living tradition of Sufism, to refine our knowledge, and to discover a structure to support our spiritual practice.
Beginning in March 2024 we will begin a study of the seminal work, Living Presence, The Sufi Way to Mindfulness and The Essential Self. The course consists of 9 live online sessions, including suggested spiritual practices, and 18 discussion sessions led by senior “dervishes” of the Threshold Society. Living Presence is a classic work translated into at least 7 languages. This is the book that first brought many people to the Threshold Society and has been the foundation of a unique approach to spiritual development.
Registration is now open: https://thresholdsociety.thinkific.com/courses/living-presence
The Mysterion School is the realization of a longstanding dream to join with spiritual seekers and systematically explore the nature of our souls and the lifelong journey we’re on–to join the practical with the metaphysical, to train our attention to remember what is truly essential, to awaken the essential self which is spontaneously in communion with the Divine.
The path to this Reality is through the discipline of Tassawuf, or Mysticism, defined in our glossary as “a faculty peculiar to the human being, that is neither obvious to the intellect nor to the senses, but depends on the refinement and receptivity of faculties within the supra-conscious mind.”
Those of us who participated in the first year, exploring The Mysterion, discovered a panoramic view of human possibilities. Living Presence, on the other hand, takes us back to first principles, but with a concentrated, crystalline language that reflects the subtleties of the soul’s experience.
With unique clarity, this book describes how presence can be developed to vastly improve our lives. Drawing on the work of the beloved Sufi poet, Rumi, as well as traditional material and personal experience, this book integrates the ancient wisdom of Sufism with the needs of contemporary life. Completely revised and updated for its 25th anniversary, this edition of Living Presence offers a wisdom that is both universal and practical.
The Mysterion School is an opportunity to experience the living tradition of Sufism, to refine our knowledge, and to discover a structure to support our spiritual practice.
“Living Presence was literally the book that knocked my students out of their pious but generally superficial contemplative “lifestyle” orientation and placed them on an authentic spiritual path… Living Presence was a total game-changer for my students, opening their eyes to the inner dimension that must keep pace with the outer in order for transformation to press deep into one’s being.” ~Rev. Cynthia Bourgeault is a modern-day mystic, the author of eight books, who has been honored by Watkins Review in 2021 as one of the 100 most spiritually influential living people.
Living Presence is “An incredible insight into Sufism and an intelligent way for rational people to know God.” ~Russell Brand, social critic, actor, with 6 million social media followers.
“A heartfelt, modern illumination of the Sufi path, filled with the fragrance of the ancients.” ~Jack Kornfield, world-renowned teacher of mindfulness.
Kabir’s Live Presentations at 10 am, California time: March 17, April 21, May 19, June 16, July 21, August 18, September 15, October 20, November 17. These will be recorded and available for reviewing. Discussion sessions, covering time zones from the US to Asia, will be offered at 2 times one week later.
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