The Night of Deliverance Has Come – Abdur Rahman’s Corner
Peace, one and all…
The blessed month of Ramadan is almost upon us. Here is a beautiful ghazal of Mevlana in anticipation of its arrival;.
May the hearts of the lovers be opened
The night of deliverance has come
The night of deliverance has come
Light the candles of Barât;
Khidr has come, Khidr has come, fetch the water of eternal life
Umar has come, Umar has come,
see the Devil humbled.
Dawn has come, dawn has come,
give up your slumber
Spring has come, spring has come,
Behold the captives that have found freedom.
Step into the garden, step into the garden,
and meet the plants unchained from their prison.
When the Sun arrives in Aries; its rays touch the stones!
Behold the rubies from Badakhshan;
Those pure and priceless gems!
The same Sultan who, from dust, causes the plants to grow
The same King, unto the dead plants, breathes a new life
Behold the trees, behold the trees, all fasting, all in prayer;
Their prayers and supplications, accepted in the sight of God
For the intensity of His radiance, His Essence is unfathomable;
Therefore, behold the manifestations of His attributes
Behold the rose garden, which by winter’s tyranny was distressed;
God sent unto it the perfect wine of the plants.
Give glad tidings to the prisoners of the body’s prison.
Resurrection has come. Resurrection has come
To raise the martyrs sleeping in the dust.
Behold the poppies, how they give their silent gratitude to God
Renew yourself, renew yourself, give up your stale words
The blossom and fruits of the garden give testament to the
deliverance of every tree, declaring ‘My root is not rotten, and to
my root I am connected.’
An honest tongue and a brightness of face are testament to the
deliverance of every believer; declaring: ‘My soul has reached
blissful union, and from the world’s frailty my spirit is freed.’
Divan-i Kebir, no. 70