Juz 22 Takeaway: The Good Will Always Rise and Prevail
In Juz 22, we see the completion of Surah Azhab where Allah SWT speaks to the wives of the Prophet and the household of the Prophet. We see here that their status and responsibility are higher in rank and their punishment, therefore, is also higher if transgressed.
Here are the key takeaways we have from this Juz.
The qualities of the Prophets family
Surah Al-Ahzab highlights to us the commands Allah (SWT) had for the Prophet’s family and, by extension, us.
Stay in your houses and do not flaunt your finery like the former days of ignorance. Maintain the prayer and pay the zakat and obey Allah (SWT) and His apostle. Indeed, Allah desires to repel all impurity from you, O people of the Household and purify you completely. And remember what is recited in your homes of the signs of Allah and his wisdom. Indeed, Allah is Most Subtle, All-Aware.
— Quran (33:33-34)
According to both Shia and Sunni hadith, the event of Kisa, or the blanket, occurred around the time this verse was revealed during which Prophet Muhammad prayed for some of the people of his house from his family, also known as Ahl Al Bayt. Amongst the group were Ali (as), the Prophet’s cousin; Fatima (as), the Prophet’s daughter; and Hasan (as) and Hussain (as), the Prophet’s grandchildren from Fatima and Ali.
The majority of this Surah discusses the rights that the Prophet has upon himself and his community, whether it be his wives, his household, or his companions. Allah (SWT) explicitly listed the treatment that was expected from both Muhammad and the people surrounding him to maintain respect and to highlight the consequences of breaking the respect of his explicit word.
The stories of prior prophets and their nations
Surah Saba follows the people of Saba and states how they were disbelievers and punished for their ungratefulness. The second half discusses the story of Prophet David (as) and Solomon and the blessings Allah (SWT) granted to them.
Similarly, Surah Fair discusses the Tawhid (the assertion of oneness in God) and the punishment given to the people for not believing the Prophet’s message. In this chapter, he uses logic and self-reflection to reason with the people to look around and question who created this world and maintain all of it each day.
The conditions of disbelievers and their assigned messengers
We now move on to Surah Yaseen, known as the heart of the Quran. We see the blessings of the miracle of God and his creation. Surah Yaseen encompasses extraordinary excellence and encompasses all the original themes listed in the Quran. It lists the basis of the Quran and its knowledge of the world, the reaction from many disbelievers and their consequences, what comes after death in the hereafter, and the knowledge about God and his messenger.
In my personal experience, I love Surah Yaseen for the visuals it plays in my mind as I recite it. The metaphors and examples and the narrative quality of this Quran define my proximity to it.
Verily! We have put on their necks iron collars reaching to chins so that their heads are forced up. And We have put a barrier before them, and a barrier behind them, and We have covered them up so that they cannot see. It is the same to them whether you warn them or you warn them not, they will not believe.
— Quran (36-8:10)
In this mentally illustrative example, we see Allah (SWT) explain the physical and mental barriers disbelievers place themselves in when faced with the truth. Despite being given the truth through the messengers or the evident Book, disbelievers physically shackle themselves with iron barriers.
Within the Surah, Allah SWT mentions three Prophets that were sent to the people, namely Sadiq, Masduq, and Shalom. The people transgressed each of the three, so when a man came from the furthest part of town to the remaining people begging them to believe in the true word, he too was belittled and later killed.
We see Allah (SWT) comfort him at the gates of Paradise in the next lines.
It was said (to him when the disbelievers killed him): “Enter Paradise.” He said: “Would that my people knew! That my Lord (Allah) has forgiven me, and made me of the honored ones!”
— Quran (36:26-27)
In this beautiful portrayal of faith, Allah (SWT) spent no time reaffirming the believer that his actions in believing the oneness of God gave him an eternity of satisfaction.
What are your personal reflections from Juz 22? Let us know on social media platforms!