Waterfalls of Mercy | Sufi Path of Love
Salamu alaikum
A year has passed since Mawlana Sheikh Mehmet honoured us by visiting Canada and spreading his baraka across this continent. Hamdulillah with Mawlana’s blessing and permission we have collected all the talks he gave during that month-long tour into a small book, as well as some amazing photos. We have formatted the book as a pdf so that it can be distributed free of charge far and wide as easily as possible. We intend to also provide a hard copy option shortly to be purchased online.
You will note that the talks have been edited to ease the flow and readability by North American English readers, including those not familiar with Islam. So please feel free to send this valuable knowledge to whomever you chose among friends, family and acquaintances.
May Allah bless Mawlana and raise his ranks endlessly.
Read here: Waterfalls of Mercy-Final2.pdf
look here:
Maulana in Canada: Toronto 16-18 May 2023
Maulana in Canada: Toronto 19 – 22 May 2023
Maulana in Canada: Montreal/Ottawa 23 – 29 May 2023
Maulana in Canada: Vancouver 30 May- 5 June 2023
Maulana in Canada: last week in Toronto – 7 / 11 June 2023 –