Bilal’s Bad Day by Neelum Khan illustrated by Alice Larsson
I like the concept and presentation of this picture book that involves spinning a spinner at the midway point to determine what page you should “jump” to, to continue the story. I can see this being a great tool to introduce and practice different calming strategies to use when times are tough. I love that some of the ideas of faith based, and some are not, and that a thorough introduction of how to use the book and strategies precedes the fictional story. BUT, oh come on you knew it was coming, I don’t know if the information is sound. Translation, I don’t have to use calming strategies, and the book does not disclose if the author is qualified to be giving them. I can’t imagine the strategies would cause harm, and we can always benefit for de-escalating and centering, and truth be told I don’t even know if one would have to be “qualified” to give this advice. I simply put it out there for you all to decide for you and your little ones.
The book starts with Bilal opening his eyes to the sounds of his siblings squabbling, breakfast disappoints when they are out of his favorite cereal, and dad’s joke about his hair is not appreciated. Top it all off with news that guests with a baby were coming over for lunch, and Bilal knows it isn’t going to be a good day. With cleaning, itchy clothes, and the smell of food building as the day passes, the doorbell ringing sends him over the edge and mum and dad need to find a calming strategy to help him. This is when the reader gets to spin the arrow and jump to the page to see what and how to use the different options.
The book has whatever option picked work to calm Bilal down, but notes at the beginning that multiple options and repeats are often more the reality. The story then has Bilal later that evening reflect on the day before asking the reader to reflect on their own similar experiences as well through six bulleted considerations. The 40 page book concludes with hadiths.
This book needs to be read and discussed before the moment of need arises, and be aware the spinner at bedtime is too much of a distraction. The book is best with dialogue, understanding, and practice.