Ramadan- Umrah programme – 05-15 April
Assalamu aleykum wa Rahmatullah, dear brothers and sisters,
Again this year Sheikh Mehmed Nazim goes for Umrah with a group, the first 5 days, which are the last 5 days of Ramadan, InshaAllah, we’ll be in Medina, on Eid day we intend to arrive Mecca, and there we’ll make Umrah, see Programm.
We were informed that the Eid days belong to Ramadan, and our beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said that whoever performs Umrah in Ramadan, is as if he made Hajj with me.
So we hope for this acceptance, especially in a time where Hajj fees became unaffordable expensive the last years.
Bismillāhi-r-Rahmāni-r-Rahim. Welcome!