Quranic Verses For Steadfastness For The Valiant Protestors On Campus
We have all been watching the courage of America’s university students (and those from across the world) as they encamp in peaceful protest of Israel’s genocide against Gaza and demand from their institutions that they divest from their investments in that apartheid state.
We have also seen the hypocrisy of their institutions on full display -these supposed beacons of free speech, academic freedom, and intellectual dissent-, as they attempt to crush the peaceful protests…evicting them from student housing, suspending them, canceling their meal plans; and when all of that failed, responding with overwhelming force, and calling on local police to arrest the students that are entrusted to their care.

Students and pro-Palestinian supporters occupy a plaza at the New York University campus. [David Dee Delgado/Reuters]
The scenes that we have witnessed will mar the image of these institutions for a long time: snipers on the roofs of Ohio State University, professors being thrown on the ground and viciously arrested at Emory University in Atlanta, and students praying in handcuffs at the University of Southern California.
And yet these students persist, and the encampments continue to grow.
I would say that we are proud of them, but it is much more than that…we are inspired by them and also aspire to be like them.
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In this spirit, I want to share that our Prophet ﷺ said, “Know that victory comes with sabr.”
Sabr is a word that is generally translated as patience, but it is much bigger than patience; it is resilience, perseverance, persistence, fortitude, steadfastness, grit, consistency, and discipline – among other things.
And this is a moment in history that requires sabr and steadfastness.
Our greatest source of inspiration and guidance is the Quran, and when we look through its verses we find incentives for steadfastness and resilience of which here I will share five.
Asking Allah
for steadfastness
And Allah informs the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ that,
“And had We not made you stand firm, you would nearly have inclined to them a little.” [Surat Al-Isra: 17;74
2. Making much remembrance of Allah 
When Allah sent Moses
and Aaron
to Pharoah they were commanded,
“Go, you and your brother with My signs and do not slacken in My remembrance.” [Surat Taha: 20;42]
The remembrance of Allah strengthens the spirit and the body, and it was this regimen that Allah
instructed Moses
and Aaron
to keep as they faced one of history’s greatest tyrants.
3. Seeking forgiveness for sins
“And they said nothing but: ‘Our Lord! Forgive us our sins and our transgressions (in keeping our duties to You), establish our feet firmly, and give us victory over the disbelieving people.’” [Surat Al-Imran: 3;147]
There is nothing that causes defeat more than sins, and so those seeking victory should tirelessly and constantly ask Allah to forgive them. They recognize that in the end victory comes from Allah
; the most important factor to secure then, is the support of Allah
, and they do that by keeping their duties to Him
and avoiding sins.
4. Reflecting on the Quran and acting upon it
“Say, [O Muhammad], ‘The Holy Spirit has brought it down from your Lord in truth to make firm those who believe and as guidance and good tidings to the Muslims.’” [Surat Al-Nahl: 16;102]
“And each [story] We relate to you from the news of the messengers is that by which We make firm your heart. And there has come to you, in this, the truth and an instruction and a reminder for the believers.” [Surat Hud: 11;120]
Allah says that He
related the stories of the Prophets to give the Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ heart resolve. And when you read and reflect on the stories of the Prophets it also grants your heart resolve, so that you know that when you stand for truth you are standing in a long line of Prophets and believers who were tested before you; who stood their ground before you, and that the truth ultimately wins. The truth will come and falsehood will perish, falsehood is bound to perish.
5. Supporting the cause of Allah 
“O you who have believed, if you support Allah , He will support you and plant firmly your feet.” [Surat Muhammad: 47;7]
Ibn Kathir in his commentary of this verse quotes a hadith that is controversial in its authenticity in which the Prophet ﷺ says,
“مَنْ بَلَّغ ذَا سُلْطَانٍ حَاجَةَ مَنْ لَا يَسْتَطِيعُ إِبْلَاغَهَا، ثَبَّتَ اللَّهُ قَدَمَهُ عَلَى الصِّرَاطِ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ”
“Whoever communicates to an authority the need of someone who is not able to communicate it, Allah will make their feet firm on the sirat (bridge over the hellfire) on the Day of Judgment.”
And that is exactly what these students are doing: communicating to their universities, and the world, on behalf of the children of Gaza that their complicity and maintenance of the status quo as a genocide is unfolding is unacceptable.
May Allah make their feet firm, and may He
grant them victory.
– Callous Campus Crackdowns on Pro-Palestinian Protesters Grip the United States – MuslimMatters.org
– Protests: An Islamic Perspective – MuslimMatters.org