What Happens If You Get Your Period During Hajj? (#2 Is Surprisingly Soothing)
Hajj is the fifth in the list of Pillars of Islam. The Pillars of Islam are the foundation of worship that should be cemented in every Muslim’s life. In short, there are five pillars altogether—saying the Shahadah, praying five times a day, fasting in the month of Ramadan, paying the Zakat, and performing Hajj. But what if your period decided to pay you a visit in the midst of your hajj?
In this article, we will look into the act of Hajj as well as how surprisingly common it is for many Muslim women to get their menstrual period during Hajj and what to do about it.
The pilgrimage of life
That is what we call Hajj. The action of visiting the Makkah, the holy place for those worshipping Allah, is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
Not everyone is given a chance to do so, with those going given the title ‘Dhuyufu-ar-Rahman’, which means Allah’s guests. Everybody is invited regardless of their color, race, background, and gender.
Hajj and womanhood
Even so, for women invited for Hajj, they should bear in mind the possibility of menstruating during Hajj. Usually, when you receive the news that you are chosen to perform Hajj or Umrah, you are exposed to certain practices that could help suppress your menses. The most popular one would be taking Oral Contraceptive Pills (OCPs).
There are many views regarding the consumption of these pills—but the consensus is that the fundamental principle for everything is permissibility unless there is evidence that prohibits it. If taking the pill could potentially harm the user, then it is prohibited to do so. If there are no short-term or long-term effects, then taking the pill is permitted.
However, women are advised to avoid taking the pill as it falls under worldly affairs, and that they can still fulfill most of the requisites of Hajj even on their menses, except for tawaf around the Baitullah and prayers. They can still perform Sa’ie, Wuquf, and Mabit in Muzdalifah, Mina, and Arafah, throwing the jamrah and dhikr.
We get it when you say that being on your period feels like Allah is denying you to worship Him. And who wouldn’t be discouraged with that misconception in their mind?
These thoughts and feelings may even be tenfold as performing as menstruating while Hajj means that we cannot pray inside the Masjid-Al-Haram as well as performing Tawaf around the Kaabah. But the question is: what are we to do when we hear them say the Talbiah while we stand outside the masjid?
Dealing with your menstrual period during Hajj
First things first, you should know that accepting that you are on your period, and thus, refraining from performing the acts that should not be done during that time is a sign that you submit to Allah’s decree.
InshaAllah, this sign of worship will not go unnoticed. Even the Prophet’s wife, Aisya RA experienced her menses when performing Umrah. Al-Qassim narrated that:
Saiyydatina ‘Aisha (radiAllahu anha) said, “We set out with the sole intention of performing Hajj and when we reached Sarif, (a place six miles from Mecca) I got my menses. Allah’s Apostle came to me while I was weeping. He said ‘What is the matter with you? Have you got your menses?’ I replied, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘This is a thing which Allah has ordained for the daughters of Adam. So do what all the pilgrims do with the exception of the Taw-af (Circumambulation) around the Ka’ba.” ‘Aisha added, “Allah’s Apostle sacrificed cows on behalf of his wives.” 1
We may not understand why some things happen, but there is a reason that happened, especially if it does so at such a crucial time. Allah has said in the Quran:
Perhaps you dislike something which is good for you and like something which is bad for you. Allah knows and you do not know.
— Quran (2:216)
Therefore, we should try and refrain from thinking such thoughts. Allah is the Most Merciful—his Mercy is beyond what we can comprehend with our human minds. This ayat proves that being on your period might not be the punishment that you think Allah has given you.
Allah SWT also mentions in the Quran:
I did not create jinn and humans except to worship Me.
— Quran (51:56)
There are many other forms of worship that we can do when we are menstruating. Worshipping comes in many forms, similar to how Allah SWT shows His Mercy in many forms.
How to make the most of your hajj if you’re on period
Allah is the best of Planners. Everything that has happened in our life has been planned beautifully by Him; this also includes our menstrual cycle. (Kun fa yakun; be and so it is.)
So here’s how you can still make your time memorable and pleasing to Allah.
1. Visiting the historical places in Makkah
Some of the places you can visit at the holy place are; the gravesite called Jannat-ul-Maula, Mount Abu Qubays, the site where the Battle of Badr occurred, Aisha Mosque or Taneem Mosque, Thawr Cave and Hira’ Cave.
These places all have their histories dating back to the Prophet’s time. So, instead of feeling left out for being unable to step into the Haram mosque, grab this opportunity to learn more about our prophet and his livelihood.
2. Make salawat
Some of the salawat that we can recite are:
- Allahumma salli wa sallim `ala Muhammadin wa `ala aali Muhammadin, which means: “O Allah! Send blessings and peace upon Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad.”
- Allahumma salli `ala Muhammadin kamaa amartana an nusalliya `alayhi wa salli `ala Muhammadin kamaa yambaghi an yusallaa `alayh, which means: “O Allah, exalt Muhammad as You ordered us to exalt him and bless Muhammad as he should be blessed.”
- Allahumma salli `ala Muhammad an-nabiyy al-ummiyy jaza Allahu `anna Muhammadan maa huwa ahluh, which means: “O Allah! Bless Muhammad, the Unlettered Prophet. May Allah reward Muhammad the reward which is benefiting as he deserves.”
3. Recite dhikr
Reciting dhikr during hajj time, especially when you know you’re so physically near to the Kaaba, hits differently. Allah had said in the Qur’an about those who remember Him:
And men and women who remember Allah often—for (all of) them Allah has prepared forgiveness and a great reward.
— Quran (33:35)
Use this opportunity to read up on some dhikr and stay connected to the Lord Almighty. There are many dhikr that can be recited; we even have the option to buy a dhikr book so we can do dhikr easily, InshaAllah.
In conclusion, do not feel as if you are excluded from worshipping if you are on your period during Hajj. You can still submit yourself to Him through dhikr and visitation to sites related to our Prophet. Allah’s Mercy is vast, even beyond the comprehension of us humans. He knows what we do not know, therefore let’s put our trust in Him. May our ibadah be accepted, InshaAllah.