5 TikTok Audio Clips and Filters You Can Use To Support Congo
In case you are still in the dark about the ominous situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) that mandates as much support as possible, civilians are witnessing what the world currently calls “a silent genocide” that has been going on for decades yet has taken an unprecedented downward trajectory since December 2023 in the aftermath of fraudulent national elections.
That said, the elections are just the tip of the iceberg. DRC is grappling with complex minutiae of internal and external political fissures: 1) armed conflict between the Rwandan-backed rebel military group The March 23 Movement (M23) and the ISIS-affiliated Allied Democratic Forces (ADF); 2) the presence of around 120 militias and insurgents; 3) the potential regional conflict spurred by the ongoing tensions with Rwanda; 4) illegal mining activities that leave civilians suffering from poor living conditions; and 5) the mass killings of civilians and sexual violence predominantly perpetuated by bandits — to name a few.
In November 2023, approximately 7 million Congolese civilians were displaced, deprived of access to clean water and sanitation services, and in dire need of humanitarian assistance, particularly in light of the reduction in the scope of aid provided by the U.N. peacekeeping units.
As of late, the discourse around the conflict in Congo, primarily circulated amongst French-speaking social media users and content creators, has been sparse and struggling to garner the necessary momentum that sparks the engagement of world activists and young emerging voices in the political theater.
Advocates and human rights organizations have voiced their concerns over the lack of attention toward the genocide happening in DRC, specifically because of the global attention that is currently poured into the genocide in Gaza and the war in Ukraine.
While raising awareness to global audiences is paramount more than ever to help innocent Congolese civilians, you can also take part in supporting them with popular audio clips and filters created by content creators to provide financial support to DRC.
Here are the five most popular ones on TikTok at the moment.
1. Kombo Mabé – Lagrace
2. Road – Kentrello
3. Congo Flag Filter
4. Waters – Lagrace
5. Abusin’ me – YANAtheartist
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