Friday Sermon Summary 12th July 2024: ‘The Expedition of Banu Mustaliq & Lessons to Learn From Muharram’
After reciting Tashahhud, Ta‘awwuz and Surah al-Fatihah, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) said that he would mention the Expedition of Banu Mustaliq, also known as the Expedition of Muraisi’.

His Holiness (aba) said that there are varying opinions among historians as to when this expedition took place. Some are of the opinion that it took place in Shaban 6 AH while others say that it took place in 5 AH. There is a narration in Sahih al-Bukhari which mentions that the expedition took place in 4 AH while the commentary of Bukhari says that this was written in error and was meant to say 5 AH. According to the research of Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad (ra) this expedition took place in 5 AH.
His Holiness (aba) said that this expedition is known as the Expedition of Banu Mustaliq because it took place with the Mustaliq branch of the Khuza’ah tribe. This tribe dwelled by a well called Muraisi’, which is also why this is known as the Expedition of Muraisi. This dwelling was located 116 miles from Madinah.
Brazenness of the Banu Mustaliq Tribe
His Holiness (aba) said that the Banu Mustaliq were allies of the Quraish. They had vowed to remain united with the Quraish and it was thus that the Banu Mustaliq fought alongside the Quraish during the Battle of Uhud. One of the reasons for this expedition was that the Banu Mustaliq had become very brazen in their opposition of Islam. Furthermore, the Banu Mustaliq had control over the main path which led from Makkah and thus they would pose a serious hindrance to Muslims. Third, the chief of the Banu Mustaliq, Harith bin Abu Darrar had incited and prepared his people and other Arabs to fight against the Holy Prophet (sa) and had started assembling an army.
His Holiness (aba) quoted Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad (ra) who writes:
‘The opposition of the Quraish began to take on a more dangerous form day by day and through their conspiracies, they had already incited many tribes against Islam and the Founder of Islam. However, now their animosity created a new threat, in that, those tribes of Hijaz who had thus far, held good relations with the Muslims, now began to stand up against them due to the seditious designs of the Quraish. In this respect, the Banu Mustaliq, a branch of the renowned Khuza‘ah tribe took the lead, and began to mobilise in order to launch an attack against Madinah. Their chief, Harith bin Abi Darrar toured the other tribes of that region and brought various other tribes aboard as well.’
(The Life and Character of the Seal of Prophets (sa), Vol. 2, p. 426)
Hazrat Buraidah bin Hasib (ra) Gathers Information
His Holiness (aba) said that the Holy Prophet (sa) sent a Companion named Buraidah to find out more about what the Banu Mustaliq were doing. Upon arriving there, Buraidah (ra) found a deceitful people who had also gathered those in their surrounding areas. Hazrat Buraidah (ra) returned and informed the Holy Prophet (sa) about what he saw. The Holy Prophet (sa) gathered the Muslim forces after informing them about the movements of the Banu Mustaliq.
His Holiness (aba) said that the Muslim army comprised 700 Muslims who set out towards the Banu Mustaliq. The Muslims had 30 horses in total including 2 for the Holy Prophet (sa). It is recorded that many hypocrites also set out alongside the Holy Prophet (sa). They did so not for their zeal to participate in Jihad, rather they set out for greed of the spoils of war they would obtain.
His Holiness (aba) quoted Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad (ra) who writes:
‘When the Holy Prophet (sa) received news of this, as an act of precaution, the Holy Prophet (sa) dispatched a companion named Buraidah bin Hasib (ra) towards the Banu Mustaliq in order to gather intelligence, and urged him to return swiftly with insight into the state of affairs. When Buraidah (ra) arrived he found that in fact, a very large gathering was present and preparations were underway to attack Madinah with great vehemence and uproar. He returned at once and relayed his findings to the Holy Prophet (sa).
According to his custom, as a pre-emptive measure, the Holy Prophet (sa) urged his companions to set out towards the dwellings of Banu Mustaliq. A large number of companions prepared to go forth. In fact, a large group of hypocrites, who prior to this had never come along in such numbers also set out. The Holy Prophet (sa) left behind Abu Dharr Ghifari (ra) or in light of various narrations, Zaid bin Harithah (ra) as the Amir of Madinah, and set out in the name of Allah from Madinah in Sha‘ban 5 A.H. There were only thirty horses in the army, albeit, camels were available in a somewhat greater number. The Muslims travelled on these horses and camels in turns. During the course of this journey, the Muslims happened to find a spy of the disbelievers, who was taken captive and presented to the Holy Prophet (sa). After questioning him, when the Holy Prophet (sa) was assured that he was actually a spy, the Holy Prophet (sa) attempted to probe him for information relevant to the disbelievers, but he refused. Furthermore, since his attitude was suspicious, according to the customary law of warfare, Hazrat ‘Umar (ra) executed him.
After this, the Muslim army continued to advance. When the Banu Mustaliq found out about the imminent arrival of the Muslims, and received news that their spy had been killed, they became very fearful. Their actual intention was to somehow attack Madīnah unexpectedly, but now the tables had turned. They became immensely awe-stricken and the other tribes who had come out to join them in support became so fearful due to the power of God, that they immediately left their side and returned to their homes. However, as for the Banu Mustaliq, the Quraish had so deeply intoxicated them with enmity towards the Muslims that they still did not hold back from war, and remained fully bent upon fighting the Muslim army with full force.’
(Life and Character of the Seal of Prophets (sa), Vol. 2, pp. 426-427)
His Holiness (aba) said that the Holy Prophet (sa) arranged the ranks and then ordered Hazrat Umar (ra) to announce in front of the opposing army that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and that it is through Him that people should seek the protection of their own lives and wealth. Then, there was an exchange of arrows after which the Holy Prophet (sa) instructed the Muslim army to attack and none of the disbelievers were able to escape.
Hazrat Buraidah bin Hasib (ra) Gathers Information
His Holiness (aba) said that the Holy Prophet (sa) sent a Companion named Buraidah to find out more about what hte Banu Mustaliq were doing. Upon arriving there, Buraidah (ra) found a deceitful people who had also gathered those in their surrounding areas. Hazrat Buraidah (ra) returned and informed the Holy Prophet (sa) about what he saw. The Holy Prophet (sa) gathered the Muslim forces after informing them about the movements of the Banu Mustaliq.
His Holiness (aba) said that the Muslim army comprised 700 Muslims which set out towards the Banu Mustaliq. The Muslims had 30 horses in total including 2 for the Holy Prophet (sa). It is recorded that many hypocrites also set out alongside the Holy Prophet (sa). They did so not for their zeal to participate in Jihad, rather they set out for greed of the spoils of war they would obtain.
His Holiness (aba) quoted Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad (ra) who writes:
‘When the Holy Prophet (sa) received news of this, as an act of precaution, the Holy Prophet (sa) dispatched a companion named Buraidah bin Hasib (ra) towards the Banu Mustaliq in order to gather intelligence, and urged him to return swiftly with insight into the state of affairs. When Buraidah (ra) arrived he found that in fact, a very large gathering was present and preparations were underway to attack Madinah with great vehemence and uproar. He returned at once and relayed his findings to the Holy Prophet (sa).
According to his custom, as a pre-emptive measure, the Holy Prophet (sa) urged his companions to set out towards the dwellings of Banu Mustaliq. A large number of companions prepared to go forth. In fact, a large group of hypocrites, who prior to this had never come along in such numbers also set out. The Holy Prophet (sa) left behind Abu Dharr Ghifari (ra) or in light of various narrations, Zaid bin Harithah (ra) as the Amir of Madinah, and set out in the name of Allah from Madinah in Sha‘ban 5 A.H. There were only thirty horses in the army, albeit, camels were available in a somewhat greater number. The Muslims travelled on these horses and camels in turns. During the course of this journey, the Muslims happened to find a spy of the disbelievers, who was taken captive and presented to the Holy Prophet (sa). After questioning him, when the Holy Prophet (sa) was assured that he was actually a spy, the Holy Prophet (sa) attempted to probe him for information relevant to the disbelievers, but he refused. Furthermore, since his attitude was suspicious, according to the customary law of warfare, Hazrat ‘Umar (ra) executed him.
After this, the Muslim army continued to advance. When the Banu Mustaliq found out about the imminent arrival of the Muslims, and received news that their spy had been killed, they became very fearful. Their actual intention was to somehow attack Madīnah unexpectedly, but now the tables had turned. They became immensely awe-stricken and the other tribes who had come out to join them in support became so fearful due to the power of God, that they immediately left their side and returned to their homes. However, as for the Banu Mustaliq, the Quraish had so deeply intoxicated them with enmity towards the Muslims that they still did not hold back from war, and remained fully bent upon fighting the Muslim army with full force.’
(Life and Character of the Seal of Prophets (sa), Vol. 2, pp. 426-427)
His Holiness (aba) said that the Holy Prophet (sa) arranged the ranks and then ordered Hazrat Umar (ra) to announce in front of the opposing army that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and that it is through Him that people should seek the protection of their own lives and wealth. Then, there was an exchange of arrows after which the Holy Prophet (sa) instructed the Muslim army to attack and none of the disbelievers were able to escape.

How the Muslim World Can Learn From the Painful Incident During Muharram
His Holiness (aba) said that as we pass through the month of Muharram, he wishes to draw special attention towards prayers. This signifies a painful incident that took place in which cruelty and injustice reached their utmost limits. The Holy Prophet’s (sa) grandsons and other members of his family were killed. However, rather than taking heed, Muslims continue perpetrating injustices even now. Incidents of terrorist attacks increase which results in the loss of life. Furthermore, sectarianism and the desire for personal gain have caused a great deal of strife among the Muslim world and there are increased instances of mutual cruelty. The Muslims do not seem to learn or have any fear of God. Furthermore, they do not take heed of the means that God has sent to bring an end to this disorder. They do not wish to pledge allegiance to the Promised Messiah (as) who is the only means of uniting the Muslim world and who can bring an end to the disorder established among Muslims. If only these people would understand. In any case, during these days, Ahmadis should have an increased focus towards sending salutations upon the Holy Prophet (sa) and to especially pray for the unity of the Muslim world. We should strive to improve our own conditions and establish a stronger bond with God. May Allah enable everyone to do so.
Funeral Prayers
His Holiness (aba) said that he would now make mention of a martyr and some other deceased members.
Bonja Mahmud
Bonja Mahmud who was from Togo. He was martyred on 21st June when terrorists entered his home and killed him. He is survived by two wives and 14 children. Bonja Mahmud was one of the pioneer Ahmadis in his area. He was a farmer by profession. He had been staying on his farm when four terrorists entered his home and lit a torch. His son saw that terrorists had surrounded his father and so he ran. The terrorists pointed the gun under Bonja Mahmud’s chin and fired it, and the bullet exited from his nose, resulting in his martyrdom on the spot. The terrorists left after the attack without harming any other family members.
Bonja Mahmud was very regular in offering prayers, offering financial contributions and participating in Community events. After he pledged allegiance in 2007 the month of Ramadan arrived; it was the rainy season and the fields needed to be prepared. Some others mocked him for accepting Islam, asking whether he would work in his fields or if he would keep fasts instead. He replied by saying that he would not leave his fasts, and would work as much as he could in the state of fasting, the rest would be taken care of by Allah Himself and He would surely provide for him. It so happened that thereafter the rain stopped during the month of Ramadan and so he was able to easily keep his fasts. The rain didn’t start again until the day after Eid which is when he started working again. God made it such that He stopped the work of those who ridiculed him and allowed him time to be able to worship and fast during Ramadan.
His Holiness (aba) prayed that may Allah the Almighty elevate the deceased’s station and enable his children to carry on the legacy of his virtues. His Holiness (aba) prayed that may Allah the Almighty bring an end to terrorism in these places and establish peace and security. People say that these are instances of Muslims attacking each other, however all such things are backed by the major powers of the world which fan the flames of terrorism in such places for their own personal gain and then they come in trying to sympathise and make claims of trying to establish peace. All the while the Muslims don’t realise what is actually happening. In Muslim countries, even some politicians have joined the terrorists.
Rashid Ahmad
Rashid Ahmad former Mu’awin Umoor-e-Amma. He was born in Qadian. Ahmadiyyat was established in his family through his father Noor Hussain who accepted Ahmadiyyat in 1924. The deceased served the Community for 65 years. He possessed many great qualities. He was very loyal, responsible and worked with great discretion. He was very punctual and would always offer his financial contributions on time. He kept good relations with his family, helped the poor, and had a strong relationship with Khilafat. He worked selflessly. He bravely combatted opposition. He was even once captured by the police during heightened opposition. As he was being transported on a bus, it was attacked by clerics. The police abandoned the bus and while Rashid Ahmad Sahib was handcuffed the rioters attacked him with knives. He endured severe injuries but miraculously survived. He was also named in the same case which was lodged against the Third Caliph (rh). His Holiness (aba) prayed that may Allah grant him forgiveness and mercy, elevate his station and enable his children to carry on the legacy of his virtues.
Chaudhary Matiur Rahman
Chaudhary Matiur Rahman Naib Nazir Umoor-e-Amma. Ahmadiyyat was established in his family through his father who pledged allegiance in 1916. The deceased obtained his primary education from Qadian and then after the establishment of Pakistan he worked for the Ministry of Education. After retirement, he served the Community full-time for 25 years. He was regular in offering prayers, offering financial contributions and being kind to all those around him. He would always be the first to seek reconciliation. He worked in the offices with great dedication. He never let any office work remain pending. He always advised to remain loyal to the Community and Khilafat and to always remain obedient. He is survived by a daughter. His Holiness (aba) prayed that may Allah grant the deceased forgiveness and mercy and elevate his station.
Manzoor Begum
Manzoor Begum who was the wife of Mahmud Ahmad Bhatti of Sarghoda. She was the daughter-in-law of a companion of the Promised Messiah (as). Her husband and son were both fortunate to be imprisoned in the way of Allah. Her brother was also martyred due to his faith. She is survived by three daughters and seven sons. One of her sons, Abid Mahmud Bhatti is the Principal of Jamia Ahmadiyya Tanzania and the Vice President of the Community in Tanzania. Due to being in the field of service, he was unable to attend his mother’s funeral. She was regular in offering prayers, keeping fasts, and so long as it was allowed in Pakistan she would attend the mosque regularly. She raised her children very well and encouraged them to render services however they could. There was a time when clerics were burning Ahmadi homes and were also going to attack the mosque. She told her husband and sons to go and protect the mosque, she alone would protect their home. His Holiness (aba) prayed that may Allah grant her forgiveness and mercy and enable her children to carry on the legacy of her virtues.
Master Sadat Ahmad Ashraf
Master Sadat Ahmad Ashraf son of Khushi Muhammad Sahib, who was a bodyguard of the Second Caliph (ra). He is survived by three sons and three daughters. One of his sons is Usman Taalay who is a missionary in Sierra Leone and could not attend his father’s funeral due to being in the field of service. Maulana Ghulam Rasool Rajiki (ra) considered Sadat Ahmad Sahib’s father to be his adopted son. Master Sadat Ahmad Ashraf had extraordinary obedience to Khilafat. He always enjoined his children and others to pray. He had a deep love for the Holy Qur’an. He would recite the Arabic poem written by the Promised Messiah (as) in praise of the Holy Prophet (sa) with tears in his eyes. He was a devoted servant of the Community. His Holiness (aba) prayed that may Allah grant him forgiveness and mercy, elevate his station and enable his children to carry on the legacy of his virtues.
Summary prepared by The Review of Religions