The Intimate Discourses of Ibn Ata’illah 5 – Abdur Rahman’s Corner
Peace, one and all…
Intimate Discourse 5
‘My God, You have attributed to Yourself gentleness and kindness toward me before the existence of my weakness; so, would You then hold them back from me after the existence of my weakness?’
‘Allah Most High is the Merciful (al-Rahim) and the All-Pitying (al-Ra’uf). His mercy and kindness are limitless. His attributes are eternal, hence His kindness and grace are perpetually with man’.
We are suspended between fear and hope. Allah is Muqallib al-Qulub, the Changer of Hearts. We are turned this way and that, so that an empty space might open within, a place of inner stillness, a vantage point to witness unity.
In this passage, Ibn Ata’illah beautifully underlines divine grace and mercy, strengthening our hope and trust in God. In particular, he refers to divine lutf, an infinitely subtle kindness, an intricately planned grace. One of Allah’s names comes from this root. Al-Latif is the Subtle, the Compassionate. His lovingkindness is so deeply infused within us, so deeply ingrained as to be the very source of our being. In other words, the whole of existence, as well as the entirety of our lives, are the product of His overflowing, subtle mercy.
This leads my heart to hope. Have hope, O my soul, in the strength, mercy and healing subtlety of God’s plan. The lutf that brought you into being, that brought you to this world, will guide you home once more.
إِنَّ ٱلَّذِى فَرَضَ عَلَيْكَ ٱلْقُرْءَانَ لَرَآدُّكَ إِلَىٰ مَعَادٍۢ
‘He who has made the Quran binding on you will bring you back home.’ (Quran 28:85)