Think and Speak the Positive (Source Quotes) – The Threshold Society
“O Prophet, indeed We have sent you as a witness (Shahid) and a bringer of good tidings (Basheer) and a warner (Nazeer). And one who invites to Allah (Daee) , by His permission, and an illuminating lamp (Sirajan Munira)” [Al-Ahzab 33:45-46].
“Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day must either speak good or remain silent” (al-Bukhari, Muslim)
Prophet Muhammad’s teachings emphasized the importance of maintaining a positive attitude in all aspects of life. His guidance on optimism and positive thinking continues to inspire Muslims and non-Muslims alike.
Embracing Optimism
Prophet Muhammad was known for his ever-beaming smile and his ability to inspire hope in those around him. He taught that optimism is not just a mindset but an act of worship. The Prophet said, “Hoping for good is also an act of worship of Allah”. This teaching encourages believers to maintain a positive outlook as a form of devotion.
Spreading Positivity
The Prophet instructed his followers to be bearers of good news and to avoid negativity. He said, “Give glad tidings, and do not scare people away. Make things easy, and do not make things difficult”1. This guidance emphasizes the importance of creating a positive environment and avoiding unnecessary negativity.
Positive Thinking in Adversity
Prophet Muhammad taught that even in difficult times, there is goodness to be found. He said, “Amazing is the affair of the believer. Definitely, all of his life is good and this is not for anybody except the believer. If something of good happens to him, he is grateful and that is good for him. If something harmful befalls him, he is patient and that is good for him.” This teaching encourages believers to find positivity in both good and challenging situations.
Trust in Allah
A key aspect of maintaining a positive attitude in Islam is having trust in Allah. The Prophet emphasized this in a Hadith Qudsi, where Allah says, “I am as My servant thinks (expects) I am”1. This teaching encourages believers to have positive expectations of Allah, which in turn fosters a positive outlook on life.
Masnevi Book II 2551…
The Prophet said to the sick man:
“Say thus:— ‘O You that makes easy that which is hard,
Give good to us in our present abode,
and give us good in our future abode!
Make the way agreeable to us as a garden:
You indeed, O Glorious One, are our goal.’”
At the Gathering the true believers will say,
“O angel, is it not that Hell is the common road,
True believer and infidel pass by it?
We saw no smoke or fire in this road.
Lo, here is Paradise and the Court of safety:
where, then, was that vile place of passage? “
Then the angel will say, “The garden of greenery
which you saw in a certain spot as you passed
That was Hell and the terrible place of chastisement,
to you it became gardens and pleasantness and trees.
Inasmuch as with this soul of hellish nature,
miscreant fiery one that seeks temptation,
You have striven, and it has become full of purity,
and you have quenched the fire for God’s sake ;
The fire of lust, which was flaming,
has become the verdure of piety and the light of guidance;
At once the fire of anger in you has turned to forbearance,
and the darkness of ignorance in you has turned to knowledge;
The fire of greed in you has turned to unselfishness,
and that envy was like thorns has turned to roses;
Inasmuch as you formerly extinguished
all these fires of your own for God’s sake;
And made the fiery soul like an orchard
and cast in it the seed of fealty,
There the nightingales of commemoration and glorification of God singing sweetly in the garden by the river-side;
گفت پ غمبر مر آن ب مار را ي ي
ا ن بگو كاى سهل كن دشوار را ي
آتنا فى دار دن انا حسن ي
آتنا فى دار عقبانا حسن
راه را بر ما چو بستان كن لط ف ي
منزل ما خود تو باشى اى شر ف ي
مومنان در حشر گو ند اى ملك ي
نى كه دوزخ بود راه مشترك
مومن و كافر بر او ابد گذار ي
ما ند د م اندر ا ن ره دود و نار ي ي ي
نك بهشت و بارگاه ا منى ي
پس كجا بود آن گذرگاه دنى
پس ملك گو د كه آن روضهى خضر ي
كه فلان جا د دها د اندر گذر ي ي
دوزخ آن بود و س استگاه سخت ي
بر شما شد باغ و بستان و درخت
چون شما ا ن نفس دوزخ خوى را ي
آتشى گبر فتنه جوى را
جهدها كرد د و او شد پر صفا ي
نار را كشت د از بهر خدا ي
آتش شهوت كه شعله مىزدى
سبزهى تقوى شد و نور هدى
آتش خشم از شما هم حلم شد
ظلمت جهل از شما هم علم شد
آتش حرص از شما ا ثار شد ي
و آن حسد چون خار بد گلزار شد
چون شما ا ن جمله آتشهاى خو ش ي ي
بهر حق كشت د جمله پ ش پ ش ي ي ي
نفس نارى را چو باغى ساخت د ي
اندر او تخم وفا انداخت د ي
بلبلان ذكر و تسب ح اندر او ي
خوش سرا ان در چمن بر طرف جو ي
You have answered the call of God
and have brought water into the blazing hell of your soul
داعى حق را اجابت كردها د ي
در جح م نفس آب آوردها د ي ي
Our Hell also in regard to you
has become greenery and roses and plenty and riches.”
What is the requital for well-doing, O son?
Kindness and well-doing and valued recompense
“Did not you say, ‘ We are devoted,
we are passing away before the attributes of Everlastingness?
We, whether we be cunning or mad,
are intoxicated with that Cupbearer and that cup.
We lay our heads upon His writ and mandate:
we give our sweet lives in pawn.
So long as the thought of the Friend is in our inmost hearts,
our work is to serve and yield up our lives.’”
Kabir Helminski2025-02-02T10:44:35-06:00
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