Abraham’s Covenant: A Qur’anic correction of Biblical History and Theology
God’s covenant with Abraham is a foundational theme in the Bible. Yet the unconditional chosenness of the Israelites makes the
God’s covenant with Abraham is a foundational theme in the Bible. Yet the unconditional chosenness of the Israelites makes the
The interview with Paul Williams is an extended version of the earlier presentation on this miracle on my channel @louay.fatoohi.
The Qur’an describes Pharaoh with the unique title “dhū al-awtād” (of awtād), which I argue particularly applied to Ramesses II.
The Qur’an describes Pharaoh with the unique title “dhū al-awtād” (of awtād), which I argue particularly applied to Ramesses II.
The interview with Paul Williams is an extended version of the earlier presentation on this miracle on my channel @louay.fatoohi.
In the decades that followed the conquest of Jerusalem, the fledgling Islamic empire was plagued by civil strife and instability,
Important Biblical Names of Prophets of Islam || Islamic Prophets Name in Bible Important Playlists: GK Playlist: … source
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